The 4 feelings of Spring

Making sense (sensemaking) of the world at this moment makes me feel angry and sad, two of the four feelings.

Angry because I had an assumption that a war like the Ukraine war was not possible anymore. My anger tells me that it is not ok for me that someone invades the house of the other, that someone threatens the house of another. It's valid for Russia in relation to Ukraine. It's valid for the USA and Europa (NATO) in relation to Russia. It's not ok to solve conflict with violence, arrogance and stupidity. It's not ok that men are the ones who choose to get killed first, particularly young men. Young men send to kill men, women, children, young and old, some of them family or friends a few weeks before. Angry because a few decide that many have to die for some reason. This is modern culture, the patriarchy in action. Angry because I was pushed from my fantasy world with this war, awakening to the reality of patriarchy and the illusion of safety. In a few days more money was mobilized to war than to fight climate change. We collectively live in a fantasy world that all is fine and this war is not in my backyard. I was!

Angry because we (humanity) fight because of a construct 'country' / 'sovereign state' that is a fantasy, with fantasy borders - we kill for that! A few order thousands to kill in the name of a construct. How crazy is that ? 

What is the hidden purpose of this gameworld ? 'Countries ? UN ? War ? The good/bad dichotomy, Russia is bad, Ukraine is good; is a simplistic way of sensemaking. Good/Bad are a shadow principle and we are seeing why: a few send thousands to kill because some are good and others bad.  If you don't know that you live in a gameworld, in a construct you think it's reality! An apple is real. Water is real. 'Country' is a fantasy (construct). Dying is real. Killing is real. 'Sovereign state' is a fantasy (construct)

A friend of mine has a Russian Passport and a Ukraine Passport. If she uses the Russian Passport she is  a bad person. If she uses a Ukrainian Passport she is a good person. She is the same person. Depending on the thoughtmap I use, it creates a completely different story and completely different relation. We don’t interact with the world, we interact with the thoughtmap that we have of the world. The stories. The Constructs. What is the Gremlin benefit of using this good/bad shadow principle ? What is the responsibility that we are trying to avoid ? 

This takes me to my sadness. I'm sad because I lost this illusion that gave safety to my box. I'm sad because people are losing their loved ones, friends, and houses. They don't have food and what is necessary for surviving. I'm sad because a few decide the destiny of millions, that some of us are dispensable, are 'collateral danes'. I'm sad because our collective energy goes to a war and not to a culture transformation for a regenerative culture (archearchy) that allows the possibility of future generations and Gaia to prosper with human beings. Sad because we are living inside these ‘construct’ prisons.

My fear is telling that we don't have time to go to this insanity and kill each other. I don't have and I don't want to go to war and take a gun to kill someone that doesn't, like mw, why ? What is the purpose ? What hidden purpose is this gremlin leader serving ? What is the purpose of this gameworld ? I want to plant forests, create soil, eater and air. Create the conditions for life and for my children to have a chance to fulfill their destiny.

Talking with a Portuguese friend whose wife is Ukrainian and her family, he told me that in Portugal we receive more that 14.000 people from Ukraine. That the Ukraine community is very strong in Portugal. That the people self-organized to collect money, clothes, medicine and rent a truck and send this to Kiev. And in return bring people. His brother was in Poland taking 14 people to Portugal. That is a vibrante chain of love happening in Portugal and other places in Europe. This self-organization, where people see themselves as human beings and the other as a peer, a fellow human being, co-creating something in service of Love.

This gave strength and inspired me to continue my work in myself, going to my adulthood, being my own authority and serving my destiny, empowering other human beings to continue this silent evolution, transformation of our culture. Using my anger to create teams that support each other not killing each other, my fear to create programs that activate this regenerative culture all over, my sadness to continue connect to people that are serving the patriarchy gameworld and create opportunities for them to leave zombie land and join in this co-creation and my joy to celebrate the 'flowers in the asfalt', the stories of taking responsibility, of taking a stand that millions of us are doing right now, in each minute, in each now.

My clarity (conscious anger) goes with men's work, with men's circle; Ivan, Gil, Matteo and I are part of a men's circle using PM distinctions to shape ourselves. My manhood doesn't consider to fight for a construct, to kill and be killed for a construct. To be dispensable. 

My clarity goes with activating people and teams to co-create a regenerative and responsible cultures (archearchy) in each part of Portugal, to heal this wounds and to move from patriarchy  to Next Culture, where 'the few' could'n tell me to kill in their name and we go for what really matter, in circle, between peers, caring for each other and life, to have forest, good soil, water, air with quality, local food network, Gaian Gameworlds that regenerate humanity working with Gaia, as Gaia. For the benefit of all of us and the ones that follow. The work in Innovations for the Future, in Fundação Terra Agora, in PM+DR and the ‘activation programs for a regenerative and responsible cultures’.

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MOVIMENTO manifesto * Janeiro de 2011