Novo conceito 'cunhado' em Portugal: ODE!

ODE - Organizational Design and Engineering
(EDO - Engenharia e Desenho Organizacional)

"... Organizational Design and Engineering (ODE) which is defined as the application of social science and computer science research and practice to the study and implementation of new organizational designs, including the integrated structuring, modelling, development and deployment of systems and people. In this definition design is distinguished from engineering in the following way: design defines, recommends or uncovers the interactions between organizational actors (human and non‐human) while engineering improves, streamlines, monitors or changes the nature of such interactions. The key of the definition is the word “integrated”, meaning that the “D” and “E” will always move in tandem within the same project."

O centro de investigação é o CODE.
A conferência a IWODE - a primeira será em Dez.2009 - vejam e divulguem o CfP.
A publicação o IJODE.

Que a boa nova se espalhe!

Nota pessoal: Tenho o orgulho e a honra de pertencer a este centro e de ter, contribuido com algo para este processo.


Mensagens populares deste blogue

Celebrando 7 anos de aprendizagens no caminho da sociedade 4.0

Cavitando a minha Cultura.

MOVIMENTO manifesto * Janeiro de 2011