
A mostrar mensagens de outubro, 2009

Pensamento XIX

"The problem is that human organizations are not only living communities but are also social institutions designed for specific purposes and functioning in a specific economic environment. Today that environment is not life-enhancing but is increasingly life-destroying. The more we understand the nature of life and become aware of how alive an organization can be, the more painfully we notice the life-draining nature of our current economic system." In 'the hidden connections', F. Capra, 2002 (pag. 125 e 126)

Pensamento XVIII

"The experience of the critical instability that leads to emergence [e.g. emergence of novelty or innovation] usually involves strong emotions - fear, confusion, self-doubt, or pain - and may even amount to an existential crisis." (...) "Not all experiences of crisis and emergence need to be that extreme, of course [as Proust testimony]. They occur in a wide range of intensities, from small sudden insights to painful and exhilaranting transformations. What tey have in common is a sense of uncertainty and loss of control that is, at the very least, unconfortable. Artists and other creative people know how to embrace this uncertainty and loss of control. Novelists often report how their characters take lives of their own in the process of creation, as the story seems to write itself; and the great Michelangelo gave us the unforgettable image of the sculptor chipping away the excess marble to let the statue emerge." In 'the hidden connections', F. Capra, 2002, ...

Pensamento XVII

"The same repertoire that equips you so well to find your way through society paralyzes you in times of crisis." (pag. 248) "In a time of so many crises in what it means to belong, the task of cohabitation should no longer be simplified too much." (pag. 262) In "reassembling the social", B. Latour